Monday, July 2, 2012


June was packed full of fun for our family. 

To start the month we were able to explore Brandon's business friend's farm earlier this month.  He and his brother own somewhere between 350-370 acres south of Nashville.  He was kind enough to show us around his beautiful property.  

With George the Tennessee Mule

Myles loved "driving" the John Deere tractors

Myles said goodbye to his crib.  After a few naps/nights on the floor, he decided the bed was better. 

Helping Daddy wash the car

Mid month we headed up to Michigan.  We had a great time visiting family and friends.  It was a fun filled week full of mountain biking, family time, playdates, dinners with friends, pedi's, wine tasting and more. 

I gave up keeping him clean a while ago- playing in the dirt with his cousin Caden

Sprinkler fun
All the Terpstra cousins
Wine tasting w/ the sil's and mil.

A child free night out with our good friends Terry and Courtney.

Following our time in Michigan, Brandon and I headed to the other side of the lake for our friend's wedding. We were pleasantly surprised with how much we enjoyed Milwaukee.   They have a wonderful riverfront walk going through downtown that we strolled along after the rehearsal dinner.  The wedding was beautiful and we had such a fantastic time.  

All dolled up
Our Chicago friends

Other than that we have just been trying to stay cool like everyone else.  Nashville had it's hottest day ever on Friday.  If we can make it through this summer I think the rest should be a breeze.  Myles and I are headed to the U.P. in a few weeks.  It is the first time I am looking forward to the weather up there :)


1 comment:

  1. What a great month! It was nice to see you all! Hope you stay cool!
