Monday, October 1, 2012


I love fall and everything about it.   Cool breezes, jean-wearing temperatures, pumpkin spice lattes,  leaves changing, and Lions football (unfortunately, not so much yet this season).  However, September has been more summer like then anything so here are a few pictures of us soaking up the last few warm weeks.

Labor day weekend we headed over to the Smokies- along with a billion other people.  Next holiday weekend we'll pick a much less touristy place.  None the less we had a good time and the rain held off long enough for us to get a good hike in and see some amazing views.

Finally able to workout outside without getting heatstroke.

Sweating it out on the greenway with our friends Meagan and Jackson 

Myles and Jackson

My friends Kristy and Elena came down for a weekend, along with Kristy's daughter Emma.  We hit up a local festival.  While it was not quite what was advertised, they did have a grilled cheese truck so all was well.

The Grilled Cheeserie- yumm

Myles loves to make some noise

Getting crazy with some high intensity trivial pursuit

Happy Fall!
