Monday, October 1, 2012


I love fall and everything about it.   Cool breezes, jean-wearing temperatures, pumpkin spice lattes,  leaves changing, and Lions football (unfortunately, not so much yet this season).  However, September has been more summer like then anything so here are a few pictures of us soaking up the last few warm weeks.

Labor day weekend we headed over to the Smokies- along with a billion other people.  Next holiday weekend we'll pick a much less touristy place.  None the less we had a good time and the rain held off long enough for us to get a good hike in and see some amazing views.

Finally able to workout outside without getting heatstroke.

Sweating it out on the greenway with our friends Meagan and Jackson 

Myles and Jackson

My friends Kristy and Elena came down for a weekend, along with Kristy's daughter Emma.  We hit up a local festival.  While it was not quite what was advertised, they did have a grilled cheese truck so all was well.

The Grilled Cheeserie- yumm

Myles loves to make some noise

Getting crazy with some high intensity trivial pursuit

Happy Fall!


Friday, August 31, 2012


Our little man turned 2 on the 13th. Can't believe that it has been that long since we brought him home. It's amazing what a little person with such a big personality he has become.  He is the sweetest, most energetic and loudest boy I've ever known.

We celebrated just the 3 of us and transportation was the theme of the day.  Almost every gift he received had to do with trains, trucks or trikes; which makes for a very happy Myles.

Taking a break from playing with trains to read about them. 
Train cake
Myles loves his new tricycle! He could use some practice...and slightly longer legs.

It was fair month here and we checked out the Williamson and Wilson County fairs.  Mom and Dad Terpstra joined us for the Wilson County fair.  Unfortunately, we missed the exhibit where monkeys ride around on dog's backs.  Maybe next year. 

Fiddler's Grove

With summer coming to an end, Myles is all set for some football!
Go State!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Aside from our trip to the U.P. July was pretty low key for us.  Doing our best to have fun but stay cool, we went to Opry Mills with our friends Meagan and Jackson to see what we could find.
Train Ride
Aquarium Restaurant/Carousel

Myles favorite indoor activity- Ah-Boom.  Which is just diving on our bed and saying ah-boom while falling but he thinks it's the greatest thing ever.  Can't beat free entertainement :)


Mid-month Myles and I headed north.  We were blessed to spend a week in the U.P. and also celebrate my Grandma Seere and Grandpa Tom's 70th wedding anniversary.  No, that's not a typo- 70 years- wow!  We had a great time with family and I was able to get together with a couple friends I hadn't seen in a while.

And we're off

The family w/ Grandma & Grandpa on the big day

Noodle fight with cousin Samantha

Snuggling up w/Auntie Jade

Raspberry hunting

Kisses for Sydney

Couldn't keep him away from the raspberries once he new where to find them.

Quality time w/ the littlest of my nieces- Sydney

Trying to pump water at Grandma MaryAnn's

An afternoon at Lake Superior

One pooped kid on the way home

Monday, July 2, 2012


June was packed full of fun for our family. 

To start the month we were able to explore Brandon's business friend's farm earlier this month.  He and his brother own somewhere between 350-370 acres south of Nashville.  He was kind enough to show us around his beautiful property.  

With George the Tennessee Mule

Myles loved "driving" the John Deere tractors

Myles said goodbye to his crib.  After a few naps/nights on the floor, he decided the bed was better. 

Helping Daddy wash the car

Mid month we headed up to Michigan.  We had a great time visiting family and friends.  It was a fun filled week full of mountain biking, family time, playdates, dinners with friends, pedi's, wine tasting and more. 

I gave up keeping him clean a while ago- playing in the dirt with his cousin Caden

Sprinkler fun
All the Terpstra cousins
Wine tasting w/ the sil's and mil.

A child free night out with our good friends Terry and Courtney.

Following our time in Michigan, Brandon and I headed to the other side of the lake for our friend's wedding. We were pleasantly surprised with how much we enjoyed Milwaukee.   They have a wonderful riverfront walk going through downtown that we strolled along after the rehearsal dinner.  The wedding was beautiful and we had such a fantastic time.  

All dolled up
Our Chicago friends

Other than that we have just been trying to stay cool like everyone else.  Nashville had it's hottest day ever on Friday.  If we can make it through this summer I think the rest should be a breeze.  Myles and I are headed to the U.P. in a few weeks.  It is the first time I am looking forward to the weather up there :)


Friday, June 1, 2012


Summer seems to have been here for two months already so we've been doing our best to get outdoors before it becomes too hot.

To celebrate Mother's Day, we ventured down to Arrington Vineyards.   Picnic dinner, gorgeous setting, yummy wine and my two loves; couldn't ask for a better day.  We were later informed that Mother's Day was next weekend.  Oh shoot, I got to celebrate it twice ;)
We made a quick jaunt up to Chicago for our friend's bachelor/bachelorette parties.  We'll be going to Milwaukee in a few weeks for the wedding.

A sensor went out on our Jeep on the way to Chicago, no better way to kill an hour while it's being fixed then playing a little catch.

With the soon to be Mrs. Shannon Vukovljak at the Wit

Our wonderful hosts Becky and Damion

We took advantage of our all-location Y membership and went to the Maryland Farms Y in Brentwood.  They have a wonderful little waterpark that Myles loved!

Not quite on the same playing field as the Y,  Myles hung out with the ladies at a friends "pool".  Pool size didn't bother Myles as he still had a great time.

We closed out the month with a busy Memorial Day weekend including a bbq with friends, hiking at Savage Gulf National Forest and another trip to the Maryland Farms waterpark.  

A tasty end to the month! 

Love,   Jacey